Monday, October 8, 2007

Old people were born to rip you off

Salaam, hello bonjour etc etc
now there are many people who have parents that are old and relatives and friends also. But the old people i am talking about are ruthless business people. Now when you are dealing with such people, they all look so innocent and harmless and would talk to you in such a friendly way that you would think ur really special n then right there yu would get ripped off.

Now i personally don't understand one thing why do we have to give them our seat in buses. anyways not related, oldies owning food stall will always sell you fruits at a rate higher then the other market.the cab drivers will charge you a little extra, the cloth monger is gonna sell u less then a metre and the tailor is gonna charge more.the list could go on and on.

Also never ever trust an old person who is religious, that is the best combination for gaining your trust.

What i dont understand is why dont old people fear god, they surely believe in some sort of punishment in afterlife, they just dont care.

There was this one time i even got robbed by an old man , it wasn't a stick up or something like that, he was in his 60s and told me that he was lost and didn't know what to do, so i gave him a lift in my car and when after i dropped him off , i was missing my mobile phone.

Some 10 years back when i was on a bus, here is this really sweet lady , comes to me and says in a a very low voice that she needs the fare , so i felt so sorry about her condition that i took her to my home and gave her 200 rupees, it then turned out that she was a professional beggar.Now she started coming ot my house, first one was her husbands surgery, another time child education, well the stories kept going untill i started denying her money, the way she looked at me was really bad, after she would go i really used to feel bad abou my self, anyways long story short, one day i saw her asking for fare to someone else in the same way she asked me, she had her back on me .

But at the end of the day, doesnt matter how much these people lack morality, their sweet faces always compel us to help them and beside Karma is always there to take care of them

Saturday, October 6, 2007

police pregnant with corruption

It is right that a policeman has no mother and no father.I just had a brief experience with a cop today,pornography is band in pakistan , so like all the pirated shit that is sold over here, these movies are also sod without labels, anyways what the cops do is that they dont bust the video stores who keep em cds and dvds except , whoever walks out of the store they check their movies and go through their stuff.
i also had somewhat same incident some six or seven months back when two policeman on bikes stopped us to check our cds, they tried to intimidate us saying why not we check your cds at the station when we simply agreed with them, they let us go.
Karachi's finest have also been involved in armed robbery, rapes, abduction and evn mobile snatching.
now just think for this second we are living in a country where the bigger crooks are the policeman, sure they have given us 15 that is the same as dialing 911 in america, but nobody calls them and even when people do they dont come on time.
I havent seen a policeman that doesnt carry a pot belly, they eat for free because the unlicensed food stall cant risk their business and ask them money for the food they enjoy.
who do we turn to, the simple solution is to the tpos(tow police officers) and of course the president or the highest governing body of the state. They too are corrupt but maybe they would listen. next time some cope harass you, just note down his number and if possible take his photo and give it to every news center, upload it on the net, send it to the president, but do something.
Let others know that is our country and we will not be intimated , robbed or even conned by any one, they is always a way when we look for it.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

politics wht a load of shit

People of Pakistan wake up

You are a third world country you don’t have to give a shit about politics , cuz whoever u choose he is going to loot the country anyway, please be honest for the love of God at least try to be honest.

Lets start with nawaz shareef, I wouldn’t wipe my ass with his face cuz it’s dirty, more dirty. talk about corruption people, he has been thrown out of office in both his terms , now resigning would be ok may be not ok but would have worked, but they are thrown out of office then comes the long detail of corruption that these people have done over the two years they(counting brother also) were in office.

Another contender for election this year is Benazir Bhutto, the biggest prostitute in the world, I am in favor of women in office, cuz if women is president then there would be no wars or even if war did happen the only weapon used would be their tongue. But she also was the one that favored or propagated talbanism in here. Had her brother killed Wasn’t loyal to family why would she be loyal to a nation

Now comes my ultimate favorite Altaf bhai(saathi), if donkeys could speak they would have used the same manner of speech that this person does. if you don’t trust me watch him on u tube.For altaf bhai i would say nothing but hope that he comes to his senses.

Now the last that comes to my mind is the jamiat-e-islami, politics and religion can never go together. politics practice what ever the religions forbids. I simply hate em budhass(oldies), qazi(i wish I could kick you in the nuts and see them come out of your mouth).

Pervaiz musharaff if honest should leave the country to better people now like he did in the past 5 or 6 years. I wouldn’t bad mouth him until the next presidential election. but still I think he’s ok

The only corrupt military guys we had were zia and yahya, hope they rot and burn.

Anyways my point being that, these guys think from their ass and don’t give a shit about our Country. So it is up to us now to be honest to work hard and strive for a better future.

If not now then it wouldn’t be late before our country is taken over by our enemies and we will have to repeat all 1857 and 1947 again.

Please let me know if any one is left out.

Take care, have a happy life and remember one thing only that we are nothing without our country.