Friday, October 31, 2008


“Democracy means simply the bludgeoning
of the people by the people for the people.”

The best way to describe democracy is by quoting an excerpt from Hitler’s speech delivered in Munich in 1922


In the same way democracy is not Islamic but Jewish. So whoever talks about Democracy, either is a fool or an enemy of the establishment

Pakistan today is a weak force but it is still a force and a well-organized group can conquer a strong enemy. If we stick close together and keep bringing in new people, we will be victorious.

But can we be a force we are not Pakistani or Pakistan anymore but Punjabi Sindhi, Baluchi and pathans and so on. So if any Pakistani left in this country, will have to fight them first and then the outside people.

We can never unite in the name of country, so can we unite in the name of religion, never! too many sects.

Democracy is said to be the form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them or their elected agents; a state having such a form of government; in a restricted sense, a state in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them rather than by their elected representatives; a state of society characterized by nominal equality of rights and privileges; political or social equality; democratic spirit; the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power

Now with so many different people with so many different beliefs, can there be democracy, hell no! Democracy is nothing but a bull shit word, Should Pakistani people be allowed to vote and bring in their representative, well if we want a horny President like Zaradri again who likes to hit on any two penny piece of ass that he can find then why the hell not, in the next election make the pimp of heera mundi our president.

But there are still and always been great minds present in the Great Islamic Republic of Pakistan, all they have to do is believe in this piece of land and work hard for it and good things will happen for them and for this country too.

At the end I would like to present some quotes to show what the greatest leader in the world wanted for us and for this country

“We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.”
Address to Civil, Naval, Military and Air Force Officers of Pakistan Government, Karachi
October 11, 1947

“We must work our destiny in our own way and present to the world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. We will thereby be fulfilling our mission as Muslims and giving to humanity the message of peace which alone can save it and secure the welfare, happiness and prosperity of mankind”
Speech at the opening ceremony of State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi
July 1, 1948
God Bless.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today is a sad day like the many sad days we are witnessing in Pakistan. An earthquake has hit Pakistan, injuring and killing hundreds and making many homeless. Hope the people that have set up tents and relief funds for them use them the right way and the money is delivered to its rightful owner. Pakistan is a victim of domestic, international attack and now nature also has started a war on terror on the most beautiful and the most richest country in the world, I don’t say this because I am a patriot or I love my country I simply know, those who know the geographical importance and know about the real wealth found n our country would too agree with me. Anyways this is the way the world works like a retarded person trying to win a spelling bee, people die because of no reasons, people hate each other because of no reason and at the end of the day end up destroying themselves, what ever are left are killed by nature, maybe this is what had happened In the time of the dinosaurs, maybe they were smart like us, they too had built civilizations and then became jealous and greedy and invaded others and killed them, maybe this is how they became extinct. But who gives a shit about where the world is going, the end of the world has to come and people will die because of no reason, innocent people always have to suffer for the deeds of other, may be it is these people that God hate the most because they always are complaining, how the world has been unfair to them but never try to change the world, they simply accept the system like a two dollar whore and are sad and miserable but they never try.

The world is all geared up for a third world war and after this war a new power will emerge, lets see to whom goes the prize of being the dictator and who becomes the victim of the holocaust .

Also Cow milk is better then camel milk and Samsung mobiles are much reliable then nokia and much cheaper too.
