Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Most Beautiful !

You are the most beautiful. To me, your beauty is something I can never find words for.
I remember the days when we were young. Oh! We were so carefree then, waiting to watch you and avoiding your father, making up things so that I could get to talk to you. In the most miniature world of St Pauls, I had lived a fairy tale, the love story of a lifetime.
I fell in love with you, and I was like someone who could do anything. A sight of you was something that made my day lucky. The little conversation I used to have with you was something I would replay so many times in my little head.
Then time changed, and we moved on, but a piece of me remained there. Whenever I became weak, the past spent with you gave me strength. I was not ordinary when I was with you. You are and always will be my first love, the one I knew I could never have, but that was something I never really cared about.
It's been years, but I still remember the butterfly necklace you wore to class, the one that looked so beautiful on you.
I thank you, my beautiful! For making me realize how great love can be and how falling in love with someone can be the most excellent source of strength that helps you rise and become extraordinary.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Last goodbye

This is my final letter to you , I know where I am going , there is no return from there , even if I didn't die , I will face a life worse than death.
But I will remember the street
, where I spent long hours , just for a glimpse of you, I won't forget the sound of the ocean and the view of the sunset which calmed me down enough, to kiss you.
I never believed in God but now I want to , I wish for a God whom I can ask for help, I wish for a prayer that would make us be together again.
This is my final good bye , I still wish and hope that you don't receive this letter , I wish and hope you don't read the words of my final farewell and you wait for me.
I also return and we unite , but who am I kidding , I was never good enough to have spent my life with you and we were never meant to be , but yet for the little time we had each other , for the little time our love blossomed , it is more than enough for me.
So once again , this is my final good bye , you , the sunset , the sound of the ocean , the street and all of the things will remain alive with in me , but only I wont be....

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I am losing my head , hurting the ones I love , I am completely lost , alone and afraid , the beating of heart is no longer in rhythm.
I long for that carefree laugh , the days without worry when everyone I loved was with me , when I trusted the people I love.
I wanted a simple life and prayed for an extraordinary one , what I am living now is beyond my comprehension.
I can never understand the bone of stubbornness in people , their standing still against the decisions they have made, fighting over them, avoiding to listen and letting others talk some sense into them.
I wish for a simple story , a simple love , that can throw me on my knees and for which I gladly would fall.
Not a fairy tale but a simple story.
True love is something I wish I could experience , but maybe this life isn't meant to see that happen.
So , for my next life I dont wish for something extraordinary but simple True love.