Sunday, December 20, 2009


Today was my marketing Presentation , we couldnt come up with a product to promote , so we decided to make our own product
anyways the presentation went good ,
at home but not relaxed as have tons of work to do and submit by tommorow.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Life and mistakes

It has been a year since i have left the University , it is strange how people change, their attitudes and their way towards you, changes , i was once respected at that place , but now , i have done something so terrible that the only one person who i cared about, hates me , i everyday think of going to her , but why is that an unknown fear , takes over me , oh God , why do we make mistakes , it is said that , to err is human , but why then that human is not given the strength to bear the burden of his mistakes , i wish many things , i wish time to go back , but that will not happen , things will be like this only and but i will not lose hope , i will not die quietly , i will not do anything again to hurt her but i will not stop trying too. I am not obsessed with her , nor do i know if i love her , but i like her , in the most respectable way possible and will do anything to spend a smiling moment with her , i cant stop thinking about her, i just wish for this one moment that i could go to her apologize , say i am sorry and then move out never to be seen again.
The old building where i used to work has been completely transformed , i have come to understand about one true factor about life that change is inevitable.
From the city of riches , this poor man writes , not of his misery but of all the good days that might have been possible , if he just had shown patience.