Tuesday, January 13, 2009


lets start a story with once upon a time there was this boy who was drawn to this girl by magic , at least this is what the boy always had believed and believes till now. She was nothing out of the ordinary but to him she was the most beautiful person he had seen , The gods may have smiled on this boy cuz he really lived a thousand moments that day with her the brief moment that they shared together , the story ended he met the girl once more and then never again. The boy became a man and then came the time when he saw his end , at that day all he could remember was that brief moment , it was this brief moment that gave him courage , that gave him light and that made him what he is today .
Lets start another story with the same idea but this time the boy never gives up , achieves everthing that he wishes for even though sometime what may seem impossible to the world , this boy achieves , the boy reaches the end also , but this is a man who is more courageous more enlightened .