Saturday, July 27, 2013


Every one is born with a story , with greatness  bestowed upon , him , but with every good thing there is a catch , everyone is born with fear , unknown , in comprehensible , irrational , illogical fear , that something wrong will happen , this fear is inbred into our society , it  is taught in our schools , in our universities and by the time we are ready to step into the real world , fear becomes a major part of who we are , fear controls us , fear drives us into making decisions that are calculated , mostly risk free and at the end this fear transforms us entirely , our lives become mundane and ordinary , our destinies change,  then there comes a time when we ourselves forget who we are , what kind of lives we lived in the past , we die without accomplishing anything , we are cried , longed and forgotten like we never existed , our grave stones lasts for some time and then they too are broken and forgotten.   
In our lives , fear will always be there , we wont be able to conquer it ,all we can do is suppress it and in most cases , we have to learn to live with it . Life and fear is complimentary , but fear is never real , let me say that again fear is never real , it never was , its never is and it can never be , everything has a consequence , everything has a definite result , the positivity and negativity of the result would depend on our perception. A suicidal would put a gun through his head and will pull the trigger , ending his life and this result would be to him , as positive as a person achieving his dream of heading a great company in the likes of Microsoft or Weatherford. On the other end , the people who knew him would definitely regard his decision as negative.