Sunday, May 18, 2014

Lights out part 1

Ali was waiting for the lights to go out
The load shedding time in the area was from 11 to 12 at night , as soon as the load shedding started he quickly got off his study chair and went to the roof.
There was a new family that just had moved in the house next to him
The family had a beautiful daughter named Aliha.
Every night when the power outage would start Aliha would come up to the roof and so would Ali , it was like something was already written for these two , that they would have a wonderful story.
Yet the dream we call life is only realized by the courage we have and the length we are going to go to achieve them.

The arguments of life

I just read a blog now of a person which was titled that how a young person turned his life around and the end result was of him getting a job which he couldn't get because of his resume wasnt upto the mark.
I think that every thing is wrong with the story here , is getting a job would turn your life around , whatever happened to do what you love , achieving your dream and everything.
I for one would urge everyone to treat this life as a linear dream and let not the mere arguments of the society hold you back from achieving what you can become.
Follow your dreams , even if in baby steps.
Have a blessed life and a miraculous one as well.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Father and Mothers Day

A partying mother , leaves her child to the nanny , the nanny beats up the child , scare him , so that he does not make any noise. The nanny has to watch her daily soap  , so she is also helpless , the child is scarred , his talents are shadowed by the trauma he has faced , when he tells her mother about his experience , the mother tell her husband , they have a huge fight regarding how careless , the mother has become , however , the father calls the nanny service and a new nanny arrives the next week , she also has the same tactics , she also scares the child , but in a different way , she tells him , that if he doesn't sleep , the demons are going to come and take him , they are going to burn his body , if he makes any noise , the child is now scared of  something which doesn't even exist.

The child grows up , he has left his parents house , he has a family now , he has no affinity toward his parents and the only connection now he has with them are the cards he sends them on Fathers day and M
others day.