Sunday, May 11, 2014

Father and Mothers Day

A partying mother , leaves her child to the nanny , the nanny beats up the child , scare him , so that he does not make any noise. The nanny has to watch her daily soap  , so she is also helpless , the child is scarred , his talents are shadowed by the trauma he has faced , when he tells her mother about his experience , the mother tell her husband , they have a huge fight regarding how careless , the mother has become , however , the father calls the nanny service and a new nanny arrives the next week , she also has the same tactics , she also scares the child , but in a different way , she tells him , that if he doesn't sleep , the demons are going to come and take him , they are going to burn his body , if he makes any noise , the child is now scared of  something which doesn't even exist.

The child grows up , he has left his parents house , he has a family now , he has no affinity toward his parents and the only connection now he has with them are the cards he sends them on Fathers day and M
others day.