Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Perfect Dawn

What is the feeling of being alone , to be filled
with the world around you and still be empty inside.

To be with God and yet cannot feel His presence , to be immortal , but in the shadow of fear.

The soul wishes for the heart to stop , but the lungs cant stop taking in air , the blood doesnt stop flowing.

You are thankful to God for everything , only you wish your life would be more than what you are living

Time is running out , like the sand that you cannot hold and eventually slips off your hand and the harder grip only facilitates the process.

when you are young , every thing was possible and than you grew

Now there is only a hope for the dawn you wish you wake upto. The morning sun , you wish , whose sun lights up your soul rises from the perfect view of the east.

With the whole world in chaos , there is a selfishness to have a world of your own , which is perfect in every way.

So, I wish you all luck in finding or building this perfect world of yours , i wish you the perfect dawn , the perfect night , the perfect universe you wish you had , not the perfect one you have right now.

Cheers :)