Thursday, December 4, 2014

66 days of learning

Every time I try to ride a motor bike there is this fear that I will fall down and when this fear kicks in , I make mistakes that can cause a serious accident.This is my first day of learning.

I know the gear , the clutch and the whole mechanism but still am unable to drive.

As soon as the key is in the ignition and I turn it on , this is the moment that I get turned off but I can't give up.

This is my 66th day of learning , I can drive now and the fear is gone , i can't say I am the best but now I can drive without hurting myself and the people around me.

I look back on the first day when it was my first day and I had nearly smashed the bike into the footpath but decided to not give up , that was then and there I was meant to learn how to ride a bike.
