Saturday, October 6, 2007

police pregnant with corruption

It is right that a policeman has no mother and no father.I just had a brief experience with a cop today,pornography is band in pakistan , so like all the pirated shit that is sold over here, these movies are also sod without labels, anyways what the cops do is that they dont bust the video stores who keep em cds and dvds except , whoever walks out of the store they check their movies and go through their stuff.
i also had somewhat same incident some six or seven months back when two policeman on bikes stopped us to check our cds, they tried to intimidate us saying why not we check your cds at the station when we simply agreed with them, they let us go.
Karachi's finest have also been involved in armed robbery, rapes, abduction and evn mobile snatching.
now just think for this second we are living in a country where the bigger crooks are the policeman, sure they have given us 15 that is the same as dialing 911 in america, but nobody calls them and even when people do they dont come on time.
I havent seen a policeman that doesnt carry a pot belly, they eat for free because the unlicensed food stall cant risk their business and ask them money for the food they enjoy.
who do we turn to, the simple solution is to the tpos(tow police officers) and of course the president or the highest governing body of the state. They too are corrupt but maybe they would listen. next time some cope harass you, just note down his number and if possible take his photo and give it to every news center, upload it on the net, send it to the president, but do something.
Let others know that is our country and we will not be intimated , robbed or even conned by any one, they is always a way when we look for it.
