Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Precautions during the Equinox

Dear all, Due to the Equinox phenomenon that will affect Most of asia in the next 5days. Pls stay indoors especially from 12pm-3pm daily. The temperature will fluctuate till 40 degrees Celsius. This can easily cause dehydration and sun stroke. (Ps: this phenomena is due to the sun directly positioned above the equator line. )

Please keep everyone inclusive of yourself hydrated. Everyone should be consuming about 3 litres of fluid everyday. Monitor everyone's blood pressure as frequent as possible. Many may get heat stroke.

Cold showers as frequent as possible. Reduce meat increase fruits & veg.

Heat wave is no joke! Place a new unused candle outside home area or exposed area. If candle can melt, its in dangerous level.

Always place a pail or 2 water half filled in living room & each in every room to keep moist temperature down.
Always check lips, eye balls moisture.
