Friday, February 20, 2009

Lone fighter, be real or lose yourself!

All this many religion and all this many faiths, all teach one thing and give one thing the most importance and that is peace, respect of people and never to hurt anyone, Islam the greatest religion of all and that is unfortunately the sole religion that has been the target of criticism for centuries, some argued its method some argue about its origins and people criticize its practitioners and their methods and call the fundamentalist extremist and terrorist, cool han !.

The Muslims that are the followers of Islam are nowadays the picture of a person badly beaten and left with no hope or future, there is not a Muslim state in this world that has lost its integrity and sold its soul to the devil. An average Muslim would criticize the state ,the honesty of the people and what not , anyways but when it comes to him he goes all bad and at the end says that there was nothing that he could do , the problem is with the cleanliness of our hearts and soul ladies and gentleman and not the system or with our enemies , mind you that our enemies always have been powerful , merciless and would stop at nothing to destroy us and it is their right and destiny to do so , God test us through them , He has and always will , A Muslim who has no knowledge of Jihad would speak in favor of or against it as he is a big ullema , the problem is here don't speak if you don't know shit , speak with accountability and when you speak about sensitive issues try not to hurt anyone feelings.

Today is a sad day as 30 momineens were martyred in a suicide attempt , I have been with different fiqahs of Islam , it is alright to criticize other people faiths but can a person go to such lengths as to blow himself up , just cuz he thinks he will meet heaven above , man In all this shitty time their stupid ideas of going to heaven makes me smile , these are simple people who have made the hell their abode just to go to heaven , these are the people that wanted to go to sadder but took the route to Nazimabad.

Anyways I see and read about the hardships that people had to go through to get this piece of land and now I see it burning because of no reason, it is not only sad but is a waking point for all of us, those of us that pray five times a day and don't believe in God should realize that God is all seeing and HE only gives its people a chance to redeem themselves but when His wrath will fall upon us there will be nothing that we can do , unfortunately which was once a possibility has now become a reality as we will meet our doom, it is inevitable , I am afraid of the day and hope that it will never come but surely we are about to be conquered, our streets will be filled with the blood of our fathers and brothers , we will die and ask for help , surely help will come and surely we will again rise but is it so much necessary that to make all so much sacrifice all over again , I see pictures of whores on billboards saying "people do you realize what you have lost" and it kind of hits me just because one died tragically , in no way it made amends to the all the horrible things that this person did.

Anyways we have quacks as our president but we should not underrate our president, bush was a dhakkan too , and all great leaders are , their stupidity and lack to judge right from wrong , also their never ending thirst of wealth makes them great , I don't know if my president is honest or not but I just don't like his face , just as I don't like the face of other politicians , their concern over my country makes me wanna throw up , this nation is doomed , it's a sad thing but it is inevitable.

People will not wake up until there is a blast in the front of their houses and then it will be too late our so called politicians will run away as the pigs that they really are , man it feels so good to bad mouth our donkey politicians.

No new news today as nothing happened i.e. apart from the ordinary rich got richer , poor man lost his child , some people starved others got robbed , some children were not sent to school some bunked school, some teenager lost his heart some had his heart broken , some girl was burned some boy shot.

As for science Iran has become the most underdeveloped state that is also the most technologically advanced country, courtesy of the hype developed by Israel and other Zionist media
Swat has implemented the Sharia law , cool !

Talibans have decided that they will only marry men with big beards and not even touch women as they have proclaimed marrying of women to be haram

I messed up in every paper held at KU MBA test .
