Monday, May 20, 2013

Waiting at NADRA

Govt officals have a certain way , certain style of working.They are oblivious to the out side world. I havent seen such relaxed faces in my life , no worries , no problems , like nothing else matters.On the other side are the simple civilians who have to take thier query to them , have to get thier work done by them.
For them , the whole world is on fire , such worried faces , always in a hurry , waiting for something that according to them isnt much important.
The two world collides on the border of a counter , where these two completely different entities meet . The meeting is always epic , for everyone has to wait long and tedious hours to reach the border , as seen from the long non moving line at NADRA.
Dear NADRA officals , may God bless your souls and may you find a place in heaven one hour before the devil finds out you're dead.