Saturday, December 6, 2014

Fear of the dark

I have never been afraid of the dark and never of living alone but these few days I got really afraid and had to turn the lights on before sleeping infact I was awake for most part of the night.
The issue was that I give way to my fear , I should have turn off the lights and doesn't matter how much afraid I got I should've been brave.
I guess I'll be brave from tomorrow and sleep with the lights on for today

Thursday, December 4, 2014

66 days of learning

Every time I try to ride a motor bike there is this fear that I will fall down and when this fear kicks in , I make mistakes that can cause a serious accident.This is my first day of learning.

I know the gear , the clutch and the whole mechanism but still am unable to drive.

As soon as the key is in the ignition and I turn it on , this is the moment that I get turned off but I can't give up.

This is my 66th day of learning , I can drive now and the fear is gone , i can't say I am the best but now I can drive without hurting myself and the people around me.

I look back on the first day when it was my first day and I had nearly smashed the bike into the footpath but decided to not give up , that was then and there I was meant to learn how to ride a bike.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Beggars dont go to heaven

I am just a poor woman working to make both ends meet
Yes I beg for money , but I also have this flowers in my other hand , why dont people buy them

I wait for the customers outside the shop of petrol stations and as they exit I follow them till they get in their car , I never ask them for thier money but to buy my flowers still they perceive me as a beggar and give me cash

On the other side of the shop is my daughter , I had wished she wouldn't beg or sell flowers , I didnt wish for her to have a life like me and that's why I got her married , her husband , who knew would turn out to be an addict and her fate would be just like me.

I hate the people when I am standing on the top of their windows and asking to buy my flowers or oity my fate and give me a few coins and they sit there completely ignoring me.

Some people also ask me to perform sexual favors for them , I never agree but it kind of reminds me that I too am beautiful.

My only comfort in this life is the thought there is a heaven after this life but that too died when someone told me that beggers dont go to heaven.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Under the sinking sun

You have destroyed my life , I have never been happy because of you
But I love you , the boy moved toward his girl but she stopped and pushed him away
You call this love , all my life I was away from you and you never contacted me , never stopped me when I took all those wrong decisions , you weren't there when I needed your love , you were never there , I hated myself for falling for such a person from whom I meant nothing
We were never meant to be together but only in this physical world , you were always there with me in my thoughts in my dreams in my life.It was because of you I had such a life , I am grateful for every moment I met you and fell for you , we both had our versions of love. You destroyed your life because of me which makes me sad , but I made my life because of the small time we had together. Love was never forever after for me but I knew true love was letting go but never forgetting.
The girl was still angry at the boy but then he walked toward her and held her hand
We are here for a brief moment let us watch the sun set and salute the love we have for each other , both of our love is extremely honest even though noncomprehending in our realms
The girl  wasn't angry anymore , she kind of understood now and as the sun began to sink the two souls shared a kiss , long enough to last an eternity.
