Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Beggars dont go to heaven

I am just a poor woman working to make both ends meet
Yes I beg for money , but I also have this flowers in my other hand , why dont people buy them

I wait for the customers outside the shop of petrol stations and as they exit I follow them till they get in their car , I never ask them for thier money but to buy my flowers still they perceive me as a beggar and give me cash

On the other side of the shop is my daughter , I had wished she wouldn't beg or sell flowers , I didnt wish for her to have a life like me and that's why I got her married , her husband , who knew would turn out to be an addict and her fate would be just like me.

I hate the people when I am standing on the top of their windows and asking to buy my flowers or oity my fate and give me a few coins and they sit there completely ignoring me.

Some people also ask me to perform sexual favors for them , I never agree but it kind of reminds me that I too am beautiful.

My only comfort in this life is the thought there is a heaven after this life but that too died when someone told me that beggers dont go to heaven.
