Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fading Memories

The hardest part of life is to live with the bitter truth of how hurtful you have been in life  to others , the one you held dear and loved. With even a slight of happiness there is this tinge that spears through the heart.

All these movies and all the stories talk about what true love is and how a true love's kiss can change the world , but this little girl from no where came and gave a reason that would challenge all those great writers and listening to her argument i have also come to the conclusion that Love is the ultimate feeling , you can not brand it as true love or false love.

For Love to happen it takes times , for some even a life time , what we see and feel about others is not love until we have given each other time , trusted each other , supported each other. Life is a road , and every person have their own path and their own destination , two persons can walk together but each persons have their own destination to reach as well. Love is what makes the road of two different individuals merge into one and they walk through it together and at the end its not the destination that counts but the journey.

The greatest obstacle to love is the demons we hold inside of us , pretending to be our best friends and always taking us away from greatness and things what we could have become.

I want to write about how things could have been and how things should be , but right now , at this moment , even in the chaos of memories and the bizarreness of the events , i found my life sinking into something that has made me to think of my morals and question my selfishness , the love i have found is so great , the people i have hurt in my life also hangs in the balance.
