Friday, November 16, 2012

Courtesy still alive

In this day and age where every one is worried about him self and helping strangers is taken as a highly dangerous feat , i was helped by some one , his small kind gesture , made me feel good about this country again, it made me feel as if there is still good in this world.
The incident was quite small , but the scenario in which it happened left an impact.
This happened few days back , when i was walking and running towards the masjid , a kid on bike , slowed down his bike and asked me , if i wanted a lift , i was a little skeptical at first and a little afraid , as pillion riding was also outlawed these days and if caught , i had to go to jail or even worse had to bribe the police to let me go , but then again what is life , if we dont take risks , every now and then.
I trusting my better judgement , took the lift from the boy , as we were riding , this small guy told me that he gives lifts to everyone , on this i told him that he should be careful and not trust everyone.
Soon i reached my destination and bid farewell to this stranger
All of this happened so quickly , but made me realise , that yes courtesy and good will and the good nature people are still alive , who will help you , not caring about the ways of the world.