Saturday, November 16, 2013

I dreamt of you

I saw you in my dream today , as I walked by , you were in your wedding dress , bright red with golden wires , making a beautiful pattern on the sari you were wearing , elegant and mesmerizing , I was passing by with some of my friends as I saw you , I wanted to come and greet you by myself , but I kept walking , at that very moment , as when I saw you and until you were out of my sight ,  there was nothing that I felt , no remorse of losing you , no regrets , nothing . But as I was walking past you , I knew I loved you , the love that can never and no one could ever take away from me.

As the dream continues , now again , when  I see you , you are still in your wedding dress , but without the veil or the long cloth that makes the part of the attire  , you were only wearing a tight blouse and a petticoat , I don’t know what you are saying , but you are looking awfully sexy  , like the goddesses that we hear in stories.

Its been years since I saw you , but there isn’t a single moment that you are not with me.

May you have a blessed and a miraculous life ahead , with all the adventures and successes of the world.

May we meet again , in a different time , where destiny and the GOD  that watch above us ,are more in my favor.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Blood Donation

Courtesy of my good friend , who took the photo even when the hospital authorities kept telling him that he wasnt allowed too.

Anyways , this is such a good feeling , healthwise and morally , i recommend this to everyone.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Every one is born with a story , with greatness  bestowed upon , him , but with every good thing there is a catch , everyone is born with fear , unknown , in comprehensible , irrational , illogical fear , that something wrong will happen , this fear is inbred into our society , it  is taught in our schools , in our universities and by the time we are ready to step into the real world , fear becomes a major part of who we are , fear controls us , fear drives us into making decisions that are calculated , mostly risk free and at the end this fear transforms us entirely , our lives become mundane and ordinary , our destinies change,  then there comes a time when we ourselves forget who we are , what kind of lives we lived in the past , we die without accomplishing anything , we are cried , longed and forgotten like we never existed , our grave stones lasts for some time and then they too are broken and forgotten.   
In our lives , fear will always be there , we wont be able to conquer it ,all we can do is suppress it and in most cases , we have to learn to live with it . Life and fear is complimentary , but fear is never real , let me say that again fear is never real , it never was , its never is and it can never be , everything has a consequence , everything has a definite result , the positivity and negativity of the result would depend on our perception. A suicidal would put a gun through his head and will pull the trigger , ending his life and this result would be to him , as positive as a person achieving his dream of heading a great company in the likes of Microsoft or Weatherford. On the other end , the people who knew him would definitely regard his decision as negative.

Staying alive Part 1

when i saw you , i never realized  , in how many ways my life would change , but it did and i am glad it did. The greatest day of my life is when i made you smile , i wont ever forget that day , i was so excited , i was driving recklessly and barely made it out of an accident , i was happy , i was on the top of the world to be exact. So many things i planned later on the following days , but none of it happened , i made a mistake and that was it , we parted ways , i never could again muster up the courage , to approach you again , ask forgiveness or anything close to that , may be it was meant to be , for us to part ways , but your smile will be the one thing that will remain with me forever.I could not  imagine to have lived a single moment with out you , but here i am , me weakness mocks me , my fears mocks me , but in the midst of all that , there is this single thought that brings joy into me , calms down the storm within me , lightens the darkness and that in this short life , which passes more quickly than  the snap of the fingers , that one day i will meet you , i will see you , i will again make you smile , one day , my life would be complete, as it would have you. This is the hope i live with and this is the hope that keeps me alive.

Being Crazy

What would being crazy really means , what would letting yourself go means , what is like to live the way you want to live , let go off social , religious , moral obligations , test the limits of insanity , be hated , be alone , but at the same time have the whole world inside of you , what it would be like to have such a feeling , to live with a storm  inside of you with  all its fierceness and ferociousness.People who have done this have been called murderers , criminals ,and in the most harmless way poets and writers who challenged the norms of society.  one way or the other at the end had been outcasted by the society  , only to be recognized a hundred years later .

Being Crazy or living free is letting fate run your life , this brings me to an interesting quote about fate  , given below;

“Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn't something that has nothing to do with you, This storm is you. Something inside you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn't get in, and walk through it, step by step. There's no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white sand swirling up the sky like pulverized bones".

The storm is in all of us , but with time , by following the norms , the rules  , the policies , the procedures , the so called morals set by society , the strorm dies down and the we are no more alive.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Waiting at NADRA

Govt officals have a certain way , certain style of working.They are oblivious to the out side world. I havent seen such relaxed faces in my life , no worries , no problems , like nothing else matters.On the other side are the simple civilians who have to take thier query to them , have to get thier work done by them.
For them , the whole world is on fire , such worried faces , always in a hurry , waiting for something that according to them isnt much important.
The two world collides on the border of a counter , where these two completely different entities meet . The meeting is always epic , for everyone has to wait long and tedious hours to reach the border , as seen from the long non moving line at NADRA.
Dear NADRA officals , may God bless your souls and may you find a place in heaven one hour before the devil finds out you're dead.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Truck loading part

This happened a few day back at the new karachi area , where the loading part of the truck was released by mistake and it got stuck in between the pedestrian bridge and the road , the truck driver must have panicked and left the site of incident.
There was a huge crowed all were and so lots of differtent stories from each of them , however , as a result of all of this we got stuck in traffic for some while.