Saturday, July 27, 2013

Staying alive Part 1

when i saw you , i never realized  , in how many ways my life would change , but it did and i am glad it did. The greatest day of my life is when i made you smile , i wont ever forget that day , i was so excited , i was driving recklessly and barely made it out of an accident , i was happy , i was on the top of the world to be exact. So many things i planned later on the following days , but none of it happened , i made a mistake and that was it , we parted ways , i never could again muster up the courage , to approach you again , ask forgiveness or anything close to that , may be it was meant to be , for us to part ways , but your smile will be the one thing that will remain with me forever.I could not  imagine to have lived a single moment with out you , but here i am , me weakness mocks me , my fears mocks me , but in the midst of all that , there is this single thought that brings joy into me , calms down the storm within me , lightens the darkness and that in this short life , which passes more quickly than  the snap of the fingers , that one day i will meet you , i will see you , i will again make you smile , one day , my life would be complete, as it would have you. This is the hope i live with and this is the hope that keeps me alive.