Monday, September 22, 2014

Letter to life

Dear Life,
I hope you are not angry at me , I know you don't deserve me , but I guess we both are stuck on this one and we have no other choice but to make it work.
I have always been unfair to you , I held you back because of my fear of the unknown and later on, you had to suffer. I stopped you to live because of my ego and at the end you had to bear the pain of loneliness.
I haven't been able to discipline myself and because of that the body you gave me lost it's health.
I remember the time when you were first given to me , I was so filled with you , I made everything seem possible for you and as soon as I let the world get in between us , things were and now can never be the same.
I am weak but it is because of you I move on. I know the moment I stood still you will leave me , I have developed a bitterness towards you but I know it is not you but I , who should have worked harder for you , to give you the things you rightly deserved.
My dear life ,I am sorry as you are stuck with me , for the rest of the remaining time we have in this world.
I wish you would forgive me for that.