Sunday, September 14, 2014

Without a point 2

The best thing about running is you get to test your limit , the moment your kidney start is when the real fund begins , the first five minutes are easy , then the real hard work starts , later on your body is divided into a state of confusion , you cant go any further , this is the point where you have to decide wether its your mind or your body that is telling you to stop  , so all you can learn in life , you can learn from running a long mile at the maximum speed possible.
Life is like that you get to enjoy the run , you are given the speed bums , either you can choose to run over them , jump over them or stop , take a deep breath and start all over again , but the more you stop at every stop , every small little hurdle the harder it will become to go farther , because you are allowing your mind to win over your body.
“ I am not tired , I am not sad , I am not weak  , I  am strong “ Ali said this to himself while looking at the reflection  of himself in the pond , that was beside the track , the track was beautiful  , which went through a passageway of surrounding trees , it was refreshing and it always took Ali to a different place gave him  feel of strength.
“ALI”  there was this is loud shout and before Ali could turn to look who it was , there was loud bang , Ali hit the red  brick lined track , where just before he was chanting the words to give him strength  , now there he lay , fighting for his life.

So we came here , we killed , we lost , we won , but at the end it was worth it , vengeance has been served , love has been found , faith has been restored , too many people have lost the purpose of life , so I could find myself , I was destined to die like this , it was the only way the others , whom path I have crossed , or whose path intersected mine , they too deserved justice and my leaving this world was the only way , they too would find  a little piece of something , that would give them hope to cling on too , so that they don’t lose faith in GOD , I had become the devil , who took their beliefs , their faith in the justice  , in God , I should be the angel , who should give them back their God , so that the God I believe in , may forgive me , so I am leaving this world , I am giving my hope to live , I know I have the power to get up , my will power is strong , but no , not anymore , not anymore , I wish you all the best of luck , as for me , good evening and be safe.

Your and mine story is like the story of the flame and ice which met and couldn’t live apart , the more they came closer , the more  harmful was it for them , but they just couldn’t stay apart , so in the end it was inevitable for them to die , to lose their existence , only then they realized , that there was another world , where they both could live together , be happy together and nothing could keep them apart ,
I love you , you love me , but for us to be together , we have to lose our existence and be someplace , nothing can keep us apart.
Ali was reading the phrase and as he turned Aliha was gone.

Shoukat was looking at the mirror , constantly  , as through it he could see another world , he was calm , he kept looking at it till there was no light in his cell , the darkness had taken over the cell , he calmly kept the mirror on his side table and went to sleep.
Tommorow you are going to be free , aren’t you afraid
Aleem Shiekh the other convict  who was the only one who Shoukat had befriended in the 23 years he had been in prison  , was curious about how he was feeling
Shoukat remained silent , it wasn’t freedom that didn’t worry him , he only had one thing in plan , and the pan was to kill the man responsible for putting him there for the killing the girl he loved.

Shoukat was a young man in his twenties , he was waiting eagerly at the edge of the street  , than there was a kid that came out of a house and started to run and  stopped in front of Shoukat , the kid was beriha’s smaller sister , Shoukat took the letter from and started reading it

“ I am writing today this for the last time , I love you , nobody can change that , but I am weak , I am vulnerable , please don’t hate me , please forgive me , I will be with you for the rest of your life , in your thoughts and dreams , we will meet , we will be together , but for today , I have chosen the path of the weak and fearfull  , maybe our story is the story of fire and ice who fell in love witheachother , it wasn’t meant to be  , but they defied all odds to be with eachother”
Shoukat read the letter and went started to walk towards beriha’s building , sometimes , you are given strength beyond your beliefs , sometimes you don’t actually plan ,sometimes you do things you are going to regret  , doing for the rest of your life.
Shoukat  now stood in front of the house , he knocked on the door ,
Beriha’s smaller sister had now ran back to her house and was standing beside Shoukat
“ what are you doing “
Beriha was gasping for air , she was a fat chubby kid of 12 , she was the one who knew all about the affair and had been their messenger from the start , she was afraid of what Shoukat was going to do next but in all honestly even he him self didn’t know what was going to happen

Ali stopped his bike and went in a small café for tea , it was early morning around 6:00 am , he went in , the owner had just opened and was arranging the tea cups
“chacha” Ali yelled and just pointed his finger up and than pointed it towards the table
The chacha arrived a few minutes later and put the hot cup of tea in front of Ali
“son “ the old man said to Ali “ do you mind if I also have my morning tea with you”
Ali was in no mood , but he didn’t say no , he gestured the old man in a way as to say he was allowed
“ you know I worked in a bank before I started this business”
“why you  left” asked Ali
“Because it was  based on interest and one day I thought how am I going to answer to my lord , that I was invlolved in such an act”
“ So what you did at the bank”
“I was manager operations”
This now interested Ali , the old man has left the job to work for a shabby place like that serving teas to people
“you see son “ the old man continued , “ the heart is linked to the brain and both are in constant struggle with each other , the heart is the purest of my Lord’s creation , it is the signaling machine lord has given us to know , whats right and whats wrong , the brain however is a different story , it takes data from the environment , processes it and comes up with a conclusion  , the heart can tell you whether it is right or wrong , if you listen to your heart , it will reprogram your brain into doing what’s right , but if you let the world do the reprogramming , the brain will always come up with results that would be harmful and dangerous for your soul , the signal of the heart would lose its strength until it will be heard no more , so its is upto you to decide  , I listened to my heart and I chose wisely , as I have never been happier”
Ali was amazed at the old man , only the words of the honest men have the power to touch the soul of another being and the old unknown who Ali never knew had just done that.

 Aliha was excited , the result for the admission list had been announced , she couldn’t wait to get to the university to find if she had finally made it , “ ammi , please hurry up”  , she yelled as she grabbed the purse and adjusted her veil.
Her mother  came and without speaking blew some air over her , Aliha mother had been reciting some Surahs , it was to protect her from evil.
There was a huge crowd gathered at the gate , all were trying to find their number on the huge notice board where the result was announced ,some were returning happy and moving to the information desk , created specially for to facilitate the new students.
The crowd was huge and Aliha  couldn’t reach to where the notice board was
“What is your role number?”
“170752” replied Aliha , she was curious and this stranger had turned out to be the blessing of the day
The stranger went in and came back after a few minutes
“I am sorry ,  I couldn’t find your number on the sheet”
Aliha was devastated , these words have hit her like thunder , she hardly held her tears and said
“ Thank you”
“your welcome , better luck next time” saying this and the boy disappeared in the crowd again
Aliha came to her mother , “lets go”
“Why” asked Ruqqaya who had come with her
“ My name is not in the list”
 “Go check it again” , Ruqqaya told her , “ but why” , “ do it for me”
“you have worked so hard for this and you didn’t even went to see if you are victorious or have lost the battle , I think you should go and check it for yourself”
Aliha didn’t want to go but her mother persistence was of no match today , maybe she believed her daughter , couldn’t fail , maybe it was some belief , but than after a few minutes later , Aliha came out of the crowd , perplexed and happy , she came and hugged her mother tight.
“ I am in , I was on the top of the list”
Ruqqaya embraced her daughter on her success  “ now lets do the information counter”
The information counter told Aliha about the fees , the admission date and everything , it was a long tiresome procedure  , with forms and affidavits and guarantees , the university seemed to be on edge of high alert and was more concerned with the students not being involved in politics than them excelling in their field
All work was completed with lots of efforts and enthusiasm and after submitting all the forms and the fees for the semester  , Aliha couldn’t wait for the orientation date and the semester to get started , which was 10 days later
“ what are you thinking “
Ruqqaya noticing Aliha , all lost in some thought commented
“ I keep wondering about that boy , who lied to me , why would he do such a terrible thing”
Aliha answered as if she knew that ruqqaya was watching her and was going to ask her that
“you see , child , there are people who are selfish beyond our wildest imagination and there are people who are simply misjudged, it maybe that the boy who told you must have some sinister plan of not letting you get in the university , or maybe he just couldn’t find your roll number and made a mistake , it is your choice to decide , decide what ever gives you peace , cause doesn’t matter what he tried , you are here because you didn’t give up till the very end at the most disappointing of times and Allah rewarded you , as you see doesn’t matter what anybody tried , you made it”
“Yes I did , I am going to be an Engineer “ Aliha said this with her chest expanded
“may Allah bless you , now come and put the plates on the table for dinner with me”
Aliha put the magazine down and went to help her mother in her chores

You ever saw an angel , all the books we read , all the stories we have heard , it makes us belive that angels are beautiful , gorgeous  and everything positive is associated with what they are and what they can do , imagine if they are not , imagine if they are just like us , but not covered in the immortal flesh , what would the other