Sunday, September 14, 2014

Without a Point

Ali  was  waiting for Aliha at the bus terminal , he was afraid of talking with her , but his friend keep pushing him , asking why was he so afraid off , finally she came , ali proposed , she smiled , she left , they became friends , best friends , lovers and than inseparable , Ali was the happiest person those days , the story went on for three years , they decided to get married , the families didn’t mind all went well , they both got married .

Forget the risk , take the fall , if its what you want its worth it all

But every story has a twist , otherwise there is no point in living.

Ali coat was drenched with blood , drops of blood , fell down from the edge of his khakis , Ali was limping , but there was a will that kept him moving , the fallen  bodies of his opponents , his enemies , lied lifelessly behind him , he moved to his car , opened the door to his red accord , and quickly drove away from there.
Ali cell was continuously ringing , it was Aliha , that kept calling him , as soon as the ring tone died down , it started ringing again , this was sunya this time , he took the phone and threw away the phone out of the window and drove as fast as he could , he knew he didn’t have much time left.
Ali pulled his car over , a few streets away from Baig’s house , Ali wiped the sweat from his forehead with both his palms and then  grabbed his pistol which was lying in the passenger seat , right beside him , he checked the bullets , all was in place , his gun had tasted blood and it couldn’t stop today.
Ali went to the back to the Baig’s house climbed the wall , the lawn was empty , Ali very silently made his way from the backyard into the Drawing room , the room led into a long passage way , from which he moved to the first floor , Ali found himself in front of a sleeping Baig , he was sleeping like a baby , with his wife beside him , Ali pulled the gun , which he had tucked in the back of his pant , and fired two shots , one on the leg of Baig , to wake him up , his wife also woke up who gave the loudest scream , so much so that Ali almost missed the head shot of Baig.
The sound from the shots fired combined with the scream of Baigs wife was enough to attract the gaurds , by the time they reached Baig body , Ali had jumped out of the balcony , the gaurds went to the balcony and fired a few shots at the shadow  , one of the bullets hit Ali on his chest and he fell down on the wet grass face down , the guard fired another shot which again hit the back of Ali , and passed through his heart. Ali breathed his last.
15 minutes earlier
Hello , Can I talk to Mr Baig
How are you Mr Baig
Who is this
I am the one who killed your eldest son
Shot is fired
What is this
I just killed your second son
Now its just you and me ….
I am waiting for you at the Devils point , you can come and kill me now , if you can
Ali hangs up phone
Ali is sitting on the boundry wall , he can hear the sirens of police mobile van , they stop and a heavily armed police personnel approach the Clifton and start the search , as they spot Ali sitting , they move quickly and apprehend him , blind fold him and put him in his van.
As soon as the van starts to move another four wheeler pulls in front of the mobile van , four persons  from the vehicle step down and with out any warning starts shooting , the police also retaliates , but these persons  have automatic weapons and the rusted guns are no match for them , soon enough all men of soil are dead , but not before they cold two of the assailants , the remaining two , move to the back of the mobile van , there is Ali , who has by now untied himself and is hiding one of the guns of the fallen men
He has his blind folds on , as he hears the foot steps and is sure that the assailants are in front of him he take the gun and starts shooting , the assailants shoot back , but the element of surprise , gives an extra edge to Ali.
Ali shoots both of them , as he steps out , he slips , but there is a stinging pain on the left side of his lower abdomen , he reaches out and finds out he too has been shot.
20 minutes earlier
“Rajja bhai , this is Ali”
“ I want to surrender , I want you to save me”
“where are you”
“ I am at the devils point , in blue shirt and khakis”
“ ok , I am sending my men to pick you up , be there”
