Sunday, September 14, 2014

without a Point 3

“If  she is not going to marry me , She is not going to marry anyone else”  Ali thought to himself , the crowd of friends  , the  noise of the club , the dancing , the fancy lights , all were not enough to make Ali , think of something else , than Aliha.
He  just got up and went out into the open , when one of his friends asked him , he said that he needed some fresh air.
Ali rushed out of the door , like a person who gets out of  water after holding his breath for too long.
He walked towards his car , it was a red Honda City , he opened  the door and sat inside . As the thought of Aliha , passed through him , he gave out a loud scream , held the steering wheel with both of his hands and gave a strong jerk , like he wanted to pull off the steering from its root.
“I  am going to kill your husband , I  am going to kill you and then I am going to kill myself” , Aliha deleted the last sms  of Ali , but not before reading it. Ali had been been sending these SMSs to ALiha , since she broke up with him , but Ali was the person who  didn’t know how to let go. He asked for her to come back , he begged her and when everything failed he started to harass her , 100 was the least number of SMSs he would sent out to her, Aliha  was by now engaged to be married , Aliha’s fiancé was a great person , but at the end of the day , he was a man , a man who had grown up in a conservative mindset  , where a woman who falls in love before marriage is immoral , doesn’t matter , how pure and innocent that love had been.
She was afraid to tell his fiancé , she was afraid to tell her parents , she confided in the only friend she had and that was Mehwish , but she had also been married and gone abroad to Saudia and with time she had lost contact with her.
Rehan  was Aliha’s fiancée , he had fallen in love with Aliha , the moment he saw her , he knew about the Ali , but the light he saw in Aliha , he couldn’t in anybody else , he knew , her soul was pure , he had one day , read one of Ali’s messages  in her cell phone , he was worried , but he decided to do what he felt right , let Aliha solve her own problem , in his way , he was making Aliha strong.
As Aliha woke up , there were 45 miss calls and 100 SMSs from a new number , Aliha had blocked Ali’s numbers before , but he knew her number and when one was blocked , he would go and buy new SIMs and start calling.  Aliha couldn’t change her number  , because all her family members would get suspicious , also Ali was venting off by sending her SMSs and calls , she was afraid , what he  would do , if Aliha closed this path also.
Aliha , passed the big steel gate of the University , she had come to collect her Degree of Mass communication , as she was passing through the long buildings and never ending lanes , she got lost in the wonderful story she had lived , it was another world afer all , a world without worries , without care , a place where she was somebody , where everything was possible and then she graduated , stepped into the real world , now in the real world she wasn’t able to handle one person, the one person , whom in the university , she thought was everything for her.
“Life…. and all its plans”
As she was lost in her memories , she was jolted back to the real world by the distinctive ringtone of her nokia 2031 , she opened up her brown leather handbag and in the middle of everything was the candy shaped phone , whose LCD screen was blinking and telling her that it was Ali who was calling her  , maybe it was the strange air of the university , that she had found her strength and courage , she wasn’t afraid any more and she was tired , irritated and wanted to give it one more try to end the matters in harmony.
“ yes , Ali , I am in the university , meet me at the cafeteria around 2 , I will be waiting for you”
Aliha , said all this in one go and cut off the phone , she let go the remaining air in her lungs and took a deep breath , somehow , she was strong  and the strength gave her freedom and the air  seem fresher.
Ali couldn’t believe his ears , he got up from his bed and started looking for his shoes , they were at the corner of the room , he put them on hurriedly and told the driver to take out his car.
“where are you going” , his mother seem worried , with him being so much in a hurry , his behavior for the past few weeks have been suspicious to her , she had inquired about him from few of his friends , but his friends were more faithful to Ali , they didn’t tell her mother about the drinks and the parties and abosultely nothing about the girl.
“I will be back , soon , Allah….hafiz” she heard the last part of the sentence simultaneously with the slamming of the house main door. A  few minutes later there was loud roar of the engine and the car rushed out through the garage and was gone.
“ whats worng with the boy” Ali father was reading the morning news paper , DIG Aslam Khan was huge man with a huge voice , huge enough to distract the worries , Hina held for her son to the comment of Mr. Aslam and as a typical mother trying to protect her son she said “ nothing , maybe he is going to meet his friend”
The phone gave its distinctive ring again , Aliha was almost alone in the cafeteria now , it was 3:00 pm now , she took out the cell phone and it was her fiancée , Rehan.
“ where are you” , It was Aliha’s mother.
“I am in the university , I am waiting for some one” she took a small pause “ I don’t think he will come , I am going home now”
“who is this HE” , the worry of the mother shifted from her being late to the he she had referred to in her sentence.
“HE ,is a nobody” , Aliha’s irritation was quite clear in the reply , she had given her mother , if mothers aren’t supposed to trust their daughters , who else she could rely on later on in life.
“you know , Rehan is coming around 5 to pick you up and you are still in the university , waiting for a nobody”
“don’t worry , I will be at home around 4”
Aliha got up and started to walk towards the main exit.
As She was about to exit the main gate , something , some thought stopped her.
She took out her cell phone and typed the words “ thanks , for not showing up , I hope you never show up in my life again”  and send it to Ali.
She went out of the gate and took a taxi to her home.

The sun wasn’t that bright , but Ali’s drunken eyes , couldn’t bear the light , it felt like the rays were burning his eyeballs , as he stepped out of his house , he put on his sunglasses.
It looked as if Ali hadn’t taken a shower for a week now , he took out his phone , there were a few miss calls and one message from Aliya , the girl he was engaged too , for one month now , he cleared the screen off all the notifications and then again , put in his back pocket.
Aliya was his mothers favourite , she had seen her in a wedding and inquired about her, she was somewhat like ali , a little rebellious , a little different , strong , bold and yes beautiful , but Ali wasn’t interested in her , but he wanted to move on with his life. During the past two , years , there was certain soreness in his heart , he couldn’t let go. It was difficult to deal with it at first , but human beings they say are the most adaptable of all creatures , they can get accustomed to all kinds of pain , be it the body or the soul. It was this soreness  , that he had found  himself indulged in drinking,
Since his father was the DIG , money was no issue , he had all the money at his disposal.
Ali , just thinking of Aliya as the ray of hope that could bring change in his life had said yes.
Aliya , was more status conscious , She saw that Ali was smart , they almost were equal financially , so she also had said yes to him.
This was the perfect union, not based on the compatibility of the souls but of other mortal worldly desires.
Aliya after calling at least three times to Ali , types an SMS , asking him where he was ,
“ if he doesn’t respond  , I think ill call  saify” She thought to herself as she pushed the sent button on the phone.
Ali , heard the SMS alert on his phone , but decided to ignore it , “ give me a pack of dunhill lights”
He asked the shop vendor ,
He got out of the shop , opened the sealed cigarette packet and light a smoke , he got into his black corolla , he didn’t start the engine , but simply kept on puffing off smoke. He saw the vehicles rush by him , now the sun had become tired and was starting to hide away in the curtains of the night, Ali just sat in his car at the side arm of the road , looking at the cars , bikes and buses pass by him , finally a loud horn of the passenger bus brought him to the world. Ali had till now smoked 4 of the cigarettes and his car was filled with smoke. Ali dialed a number , there was a long pause and then some woman picked up the phone ,
“hello “ , the woman answered
 “Can I talk to  Sunya”
There was a long pause again
“Hello , how are you”
There was a seductive girlish voice on the other end of the line , one could easily hear and fall in love with it.
“ I want to meet you” said Ali
“ ok , when are you coming”
“ I will come by 9:00 to pick you up”
“ok , 9:00 is good , so where will be going”
“you leave that to me “
“you know , I have to tell Aunty , she can get worried”
Ali , gave a slight sarcastic laugh , that was loud enough to give the message to sunya , that how absurd her statement was , Sunya nights were spent with unknown men , and aunty had no issue in that as long as they paid the price against her. However , the safety of sunya had never been an issue when she was with him , he had never loved again , but  love had taught him to be gentle.
“you know , you are always safe with me”
Sunya was 22 years old  , was an average height of 5.7 ft , she had a glowing white skin and long hair and a round face , her voice , was the most unique thing about her , it carried the innocence of a child , unlike her profession. Sunya was also studying and had just completed her Bachelors in fine Arts , she wanted to become an actress , she had also done some minor roles in dramas , which mostly went unnoticed.
Sunya had fallen for Ali on their second visit , in a hotel room , while he was sleeping beside her , she kept looking at him and somehow , that day she had ventured into unknown ,she had discovered love and how it felt to fall in love with someone.


Gulit is a very strong emotion and different people are consumed by it in different ways , for Ali it was hate , isolation

Some time people leave and with them leaves the energy, through which our wolrds used to light up , they leave with all the joys of our world and this was the case with Aliha , when she left Ali , Ali knew , his world would never be the same without her , Ali loved his life , his own small world , it was perfect for him and he was not going to let anybody change that.

“do you know , where Ali is” behind the other end of the line was Aliya , Sunya knew where he was , but love had made her selfish , she saw the world in Ali , and no one how generous they may be , wont give their entire world to someone. Sunya didn’t want to lie , she didn’t want to tell the truth either ,  Sunya didn’t even know if Ali loved her the way she loved him , or was she just a body , to him , a body without soul.
“don’t call me , ill call you , I think I might know where he can be” Sunya without letting Aliya say anything disconnected the call.

The waves were crashing at the shore and the splashes of water were coming up to Ali as well.
His eyes were swollen , they showed that he had not slept for nights , his phone kept ringing , he just couldn’t take it any more , this time when he took out his phone , was not to answer or disconnect but simply to throw it away into the sea.
