Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I am losing my head , hurting the ones I love , I am completely lost , alone and afraid , the beating of heart is no longer in rhythm.
I long for that carefree laugh , the days without worry when everyone I loved was with me , when I trusted the people I love.
I wanted a simple life and prayed for an extraordinary one , what I am living now is beyond my comprehension.
I can never understand the bone of stubbornness in people , their standing still against the decisions they have made, fighting over them, avoiding to listen and letting others talk some sense into them.
I wish for a simple story , a simple love , that can throw me on my knees and for which I gladly would fall.
Not a fairy tale but a simple story.
True love is something I wish I could experience , but maybe this life isn't meant to see that happen.
So , for my next life I dont wish for something extraordinary but simple True love.