Monday, September 15, 2014

Broken Spirits

Ever imagined what a broken spirit is like , would it be old and weary or young and strong but broken deep inside. A begger with an empty hand , the whole day gone by , a whole family waiting for him to come back with some food , he is trying hard to make people believe that he truly indeed is in need of someone to trust him to lend him a helping hand. His tears are considered deceptive , people go on by ignoring him as if he isn't even there. He remembers his family back at home , he is willing to do anything for them , but god damn the coward heart , begging is the only thing it has pushed him to do , to be the lowest form of human our society considers. He goes back , angry at the world , sees his children playing , he beats his oldest son , slaps his daughter , shouts at his wife and goes to bed. Everyone in his family hates him now , but also nobody dared ask him, if he has brought anything for them to eat.
Next is the mother , who lost his eldest son and her youngest daughter. She cries but her tears have dried and they do not flow anymore.
The son who was always neglected in the family , beaten occasionally by his father for no big reason ever. He falls in love , but his love leaves him , this is the last straw , he finds solace in drugs , he escapes from his house never to be heard ever again.
Its natural law that if something is stressed more then it can endure , it will strain and even if the broken pieces are put back together they will never be the same again.
I wish you all a pleasent life , stay blessed and stay miraculous.