Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The true story of Haiderabad

The normal history of Hyderabad would tell you , that it was founded by Mian Ghulam Shah , some time in the 1700s , it is the second largest city of Sindh and 5th Largest one of Pakistan and Muhammad Bin Qasim who came to conquer and loot and later on , the history was altered to make him one of the greatest Muslim hero of the times , came through the gates of Sindh.

But this is the official story of Hyderabad , In  real there was a man by the name of Haider who purchased the place and hence the name Hyderabad

 He had two sons , one was Qasim upon whom Qasimabad is named.

The other one was Latif and the area Latifabad , Came into being.

Both the sons were in love with Raani and therefore they made a park for her and named it Raani Bagh.

Raani Was in love with Qasim and she married him , Latif was so disheartened , that he lost his senses , Haider Shah was so worried for his son , that he constructed a special institution just for the ones , who were like his son.

Latif was called Giddu by people who loved him and the place where Giddu started to live after he had his heart broken was commonly called Giddu Khana , the name finally evolved into what is now known as the Giddu Bandar.

This is a true story !!!!